___3980 Walton Blvd., Rochester Hills, Michigan 48307 ___(248)373-6960___
St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Thursday, March 05, 2015
We reach up to God as we grow in love, service, and mission.

Get Involved

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church offers many opportunities for involvement in a number of different fun activities and ministries. There is something for everyone! Please check back frequently for updates. Explore your spiritual gifts by signing up to be involved in one of our ministries.
Help support our missions and ministries every time you shop.  Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards.  Choose St. Luke's (#90677).

New Membership Orientation
Interested in learning more about St. Luke's, our vision and mission? Sign up to attend one of our New Membership Orientations. They are held on the third Sunday each month from Noon-2:30 pm. Lunch is included. If you are interested, call the church office at 248-373-6960. When signing up, please advise if child care is needed.

Mid Week Ladies Bible Study Offering:
Tuesday Ladies Bible Study: Beth Moore
Location: Rooms 202 & 203
Facilitated by Barb Gibbs and Karen Reinhout
Two Bible Study Times to Meet your Schedule:
Tuesday Mornings 9:15-11:30 am
Tuesday Evenings 6:15-8:15 pm
Information about Sunday morning Christian education classes can be found on this page.

Once every month, spring through fall, we offer an afternoon of biking on trails in Oakland County. Held on the 3rd Sunday each month (weather permitting), we begin with a picnic lunch, then ride together at a casual pace. All ages are welcome. Join us for fellowship, exercise and fun!

MissionsFive youth and four adults of the church went to Kentucky as
part of the Appalachia Service Project (ASP).   The 2012 theme was "All for One".  
More information about the ASP trip can be found on this page.


In addition to these missions, the people of St Luke's also support local, regional, and global mission activities throughout the year, including the Rochester Area Neighborhood House, Rebuilding Together Oakland County, Baldwin CenterHOPE Warming Center , Little Dresses for AfricaUMCOR rebuilding projects here and in Louisiana, and our sister church in Liberia.




Clean up at Rochester Area Neighborhood House Clothes Closet


St. Luke's at HOPE Hospitality and Warming Center in Pontiac, February


Clean up at  Neighborhood House Clothes Closet  





Summer 2012 - Kingdom Assignment Community Garden   

A harvest of fresh tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and okra was delivered recently to the Baldwin Center in Pontiac by members of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Rochester Hills.   This is a first time project for the church and,  with funds provided by a Kingdom Challenge Grant,  parishioners prepared the ground, planted vegetables, and tended the plants.  Finally they made weekly trips to Baldwin Center with the harvested vegetables.   



                                   St. Luke's supports Little Dresses for Africa                                                                                      

Good news travels fast.  Maxine McClure with the Interchurch Women in Rochester, learned about a project called Little Dresses For Africa.  She shared with her membership, who talked with their churches, who chatted with friends, and a few short months later over 100 women are sewing for the children of the world.  St. Luke’s United Methodist Women in Rochester Hills have completed over 150 dresses and are still going strong. 

On a mission trip to Malawi in 2006, Rachel O’Neill saw children with no clothing and little hope of having any in the near future.  Her heart was touched and, upon her return, Little Dresses for Africa was born.  Simple little dresses are fashioned out of pillowcases, using no zippers or buttons.  In various designs and colors, the dresses fit comfortably and are easy to wash.  Today Rachel ships little dresses and shorts all over the world.  During the recent disaster in Haiti, thousands of these garments were warmly received.   

The message from St. Luke’s United Methodist Church and all of the ladies who are stitching these garments is, “WE’RE CHANGING LIVES ONE LITTLE DRESS AT A TIME …” 

 If you are interested in knowing more about this project, call Maxine McClure at 248.373.6960.  For more information about Little Dresses for Africa, view their website at www.littledressesforafrica.org.  '

    RTOC logo


April 28, 2012 - 20 volunteers from St. Luke’s participated again this year in a Rebuilding Together Oakland County home repair event.



St. Luke's Progressive Dinner - May 2012 - Proceeds go to support Rochester Area Neighborhood House 



WALKING FOR HUNGER                                 


Walk the Walk
Let's take an old-fashioned walk -- one of the best ways to improve fitness -- and move forward spiritually as well. We are organizing a time for weekly walking. If you're interested, please print out the form found
here, then fill it out and place it in the box in the church lobby. 


Click here for program ministry surveyClick this link for our Program Ministries Interest Survey.