___3980 Walton Blvd., Rochester Hills, Michigan 48307 ___(248)373-6960___
St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Thursday, March 05, 2015
We reach up to God as we grow in love, service, and mission.

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All church Sunday school/Christian Education classes

Date: Sunday, April 15, 2012 - Sunday, May 13, 2012
Time: 10:50 AM - 11:30 AM

For Adults:

Adult Christian Education Classes Offered 
from April 15-May 13
1. New Adult Bible Study Offered:  
“Why and How Do I Pray?”
Facilitator: Reverend Del Pino
Location: Room 202
Time: Sundays at 10:50-11:30 am
Dates: April 15-May 13

2. Continuation of the “Cast of Characters: Lost and Found” Book Study, written by Max Lucado  

Facilitator: Wendy Eichler
Location: Cantor Room 
Time: Sundays at 10:50-11:30 am
Dates: Through late spring
We are pleased to announce the next book in our adult Sunday School book club. The new book is Cast of Characters: Lost and Found, by Max Lucado. Please feel free to join us in an informal setting to study a variety of characters in the bible. We will be studying a different character each week, so please feel free to stop in. Wendy Eichler has a few copies of the book available for $10.00 each. There will also be 2 copies available in the church office to borrow if you would like to visit. The book is also available in Kindle and Nook e-copies. The design of the study is to welcome all who would like to join us, even if it is not on a regular basis.

Class Offerings For Children/Teens:

Kids’ Klub  (Grades 1-5)       
Facilitated by Volunteers            
Location: Lower Level   Sunday School, Rooms 101-103
Bible stories, crafts, “Rock ‘N Praise” music and games are examples of some of the Kids’ Klub activities which may be offered while parents participate in our Adult Christian Education classes. This class is fun for all!

Middle School / High School Class Offerings:  

Film Clips for Spiritual & Ethical Education:   "Vision • Forgiveness • Empathy"
Facilitated by Becky Stewart                                  
Location: Youth Room
“Without forgiveness there is no future.”  - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Watch clips from recent and varied films such as "Star Trek IV", "Kicking and Screaming", and "The Incredibles", and join the discussion and activities around important questions such as: Describe a moment when your perspective suddenly  changed. How did you change? How do you see yourself now? 10 years from now? Could you forgive someone who hasn’t apologized to you? How can forgiveness heal the forgiver? What are the risks and rewards of empathy? What is required in a caring relationship besides empathy?   Join us any Sunday!

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