___3980 Walton Blvd., Rochester Hills, Michigan 48307 ___(248)373-6960___
St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Thursday, March 05, 2015
We reach up to God as we grow in love, service, and mission.

Ministry Interest

We will use results you provide from this Program Ministry Interest Survey to help find a good fit for you within the church. Please fill it out as accurately as possible. Please note that none of your information is saved until you press the "I'M DONE -- SUBMIT FORM" button at the bottom of the survey.
      Please enter your name and contact information.
            Email address   
            Phone no.         
      Please check each of the Program Ministries you are interested in. Please include comments below if you would like us to know more about your preferences and interests.
     Christian Education
We have a variety of small group ministries, including Sunday School classes for all age groups. These groups vary in size and content and exist to support the spiritual formation in making Christian disciples for the transformation of the world. Groups may concentrate on teaching and learning the Bible, fellowship, support, and community involvement. For example, each summer we have a Vacation Bible School that attracts a large number of children from the surrounding community. There are Lenten and Advent study groups as well as support for Christmas programs. Your leadership and participation are essential for a strong church as we help others to experience God's active presence in their lives.
Evangelism takes the gospel of Jesus Christ into the world as we help bring new people into our place of worship to provide them with opportunities to grow in their personal faith. We take seriously the Great Commission: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).
Fellowship takes responsibility for small groups that meet for the purpose of cultivating new relationships in a Christian spirit. The Fellowship Ministry might also host large group gatherings to foster community and hospitality. Fellowship ensures that there are always enough kitchen supplies and staple goods for the fellowship hour between morning worship services. It is our intent to make all people who come through the doors feel welcomed and loved.
     Membership Care
Membership Care focuses on strengthening and nurturing the connection of members and constituents to the life and ministry of the St. Luke's community and to each other. We provide care to families who have experienced a loss, as well as reaching out to those who are absent from worship over a period of time. We write cards and make phone calls as a way to stay connected with all of our members and friends. We keep in touch with those who are not able to attend or be active.
The Missions Committee serves as the charitable arm of St. Luke's, coordinating outreach to the needy in our own community and around the world. In addition to supporting the many initiatives that spring from other groups within St. Luke's, the Missions Committee leads fundraising drives for Rochester Area Neighborhood House, Baldwin Center and our sister church in Liberia. Community service is also a large part of the committee's role, as it coordinates food and clothing drives for local charities and arranges for St. Luke's direct participation in soup kitchens, shelters and UMCOR rebuilding projects here and in Louisiana.
     Music Ministry
Come join us! We sing to the glory of God. If you play an instrument come join our Praise Team or recorder ensemble. All are welcome. Help us make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
     Prayer Ministry
A small group of people gather each Thursday at 9:30 am (for about ½ hour) to offer prayers in response to the needs of members, their families and friends, communities and the world. Feel the power of intercessory prayer as we lift up the concerns expressed in the prayer requests. Please join us when you are able.
     Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets twice each month (usually the 2nd & 4th Wednesday) at 9:30 am. Some crafters work independently at their homes. Our goal is to knit, crochet, or quilt prayer shawls, afghans, lap robes, and baby blankets. These are given as tangible signs of God’s love and care to those who are ill, mourning, or relocating. As they are enfolded in a shawl, we hope they feel enfolded in God’s loving arms. Celebrations of birth or marriage are also occasions for presentations. Recipients need not be members of St. Luke’s.
     Stephen Ministry
The Stephen Series is a system of training and organizing lay people to provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in a church congregation. The Stephen Series provides congregations with the structure, training, and resources to set up and administer a methodology for lay caring ministry. In Stephen Ministry churches, lay caregivers (called Stephen Ministers) provide one-to-one care to people facing life crises. The Member Care Committee has become familiar with the Stephen Series and has recommended to the Adminstrative Council that St. Luke's press forward to implement this ministry.
     Tech Team
The Tech Team serves to help enrich our morning worship and other programs of the church through the use of audio and visual media. There are several ways you can serve within this program area. Help is needed to run the sound and computer equipment on Sunday mornings and to help create PowerPoint presentations and slides. Help interpret the gospel through the creative use of audio and visual media. Assistance is also needed to set up and take down audio equipment following Sunday morning worship and other special programs.
     United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men meet monthly, on Saturday mornings. They oversee several activities and fundraisers such as the Annual Spaghetti Dinner and provide donations to such places as Habitat for Humanity and the Youth ASP Mission Trip, to name just a few. All men are welcome to join.
     United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women meet monthly. They are active in district United Methodist Women events and also coordinate a monthly “Traveling Tea” to homebound parishioners. All women are welcome to join.
     Youth Ministry
We have a very active and fun-filled youth ministry where we work hard and play hard! The youth are active in mission work and we love serving others with joy, love and enthusiasm. We sing, we worship, and have overnighters for fellowship and planning.
     Website Team
We are excited about using this website as a part of our outreach and connectivity to the communities around us, as well as a communication tool for the members of St. Luke’s. Our Website Ministry team leads our website development efforts, serves as the site administrator and provides help to others in developing content and promoting our other church programs, ministries and activities. No special technical ability is required, just a creative spirit, an interest in the Internet and the desire to help others.
     Wednesday Willing Workers
These amazing men of God do various repairs and projects around the church on Wednesday mornings (e.g. electrical work, building projects such as the welcome center and technology booth, roofing repairs, outdoor yard work, etc.) All repair work is done with a willing heart to serve. St. Luke's is blessed to have this ministry which helps us contribute more money to support worship activities and mission projects, rather than on basic maintenance and repair projects.
     Worship Design
The Worship Design Team assists the pastor in planning and implementing all aspects of our worship services and special worship events. We also offer training for those who are interested in becoming Worship Leaders for Sunday services. Help take part in planning our worship activities at St. Luke’s!
Please advise if there is more you'd like for us to know. For example, please note if you have checked a lot of boxes but REALLY want to work in a specific area. Also please note if you have special skills or talents, but aren't sure where they would be best used.